Dedicated to Excellence

Bits and bytes for a perfect printing result

Submitting files

You can submit your files to us in different ways:
USB-stick, E-mail, WeTransfer, google docs or use Dropbox with a link.
Or drag and drop your file (s) in the upload box, the maximum file size is 50 Mb.

Additional information

Below you will find general information to make good print. The most important thing is a good preparation of your print file. A well-delivered file means trouble-free production and a perfect printing result.

Files that you can submit:

  • Certified PDF (PDF/X-1a:2001 compliant);
  • Adobe Indesign CC;
  • Adobe Illustrator CC;
  • Adobe Photoshop CC;
  • Postscript- and eps files.
Always supply fonts and illustrations with the original adobe files.

If you want to format documents in other programs such as Coreldraw or Publisher, you can export them to an Eps or Pdf file. Consult with us for the right settings.
For film output, we prefer PDF/X-1a:2001.

Package files

You can pack the files with ZIP. Other compression programs may not be supported or produce unexpected results.

Save files

With the current storage capacity of hard disks, it is no problem to keep your files. So if you want an unaltered reprint of a previous order, you do not have to send new files. Only work that is clearly a one-time event is removed.

Create a Pdf for continuous forms and films

The most reliable way is to make a Pdf from a professional graphics program. This Pdf must be suitable for printing presses. Alternative Pdf programs are usually only suitable for laser print and not for printed matter. If you need help with the correct settings (PDF/X-1a:2001), please contact us. Useful sites to visit for more information:

Images and illustrations

These can be subdivided into 2 types: pixel and vector files.

Pixel files

are images that are composed of individual pixels, mostly colour and black-and-white photos. Please comply with the following guidelines when submitting these files.
  • If you supply photos digitally, save them as a TIFF or JPEG file;
  • Scanning photos at 300 dpi. For a photograph that does not need to be enlarged, this is more than enough;
  • Line work (only black and white, no grayscale) that is scanned must have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi, preferably higher.
Pixel file, original size
Colour image built from pixels
Pixel file, enlarged part
Enlarged part of the photo, the pixels are visible


Always ensure good quality of the digital files. Preferably do not send an illustration that has been copied from the internet. These are usually not usable due to their low resolution.
Of course, we can also scan, edit, retouch, scale and position your images at extra cost. We can also take care of the entire layout for you.

Vector files

are images that consist of mathematical descriptions, these are mainly used for logos and drawings. The big advantage of vector files is that they can be enlarged indefinitely without loss of quality and without increasing of the file size.
vector file of a circle
Fig. 1: Original vector file, the black square indicates the enlarged part of fig. 2 and 3.
vector file, enlarged part of the circle
Fig. 2: Enlarged portion of the vector file. There is no loss of quality, the edges remain sharp.
Pixel file, enlarged part
Fig. 3: Enlarged portion, the vector file is converted into pixels, quality loss occurs, the edges become blurred.

Colour and print

In a printing company, different colour systems are used interchangeably. A short explanation can be found below. If you have questions about which system you should use, please contact us.

Spot colours

If you want the document to be printed in black with one or more spot colours, you must use the Pantone Matching System (PMS). An indication of pms colors can be downloaded here.

CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black (Key)

This is used as colour space in offset printing. By using subtractive colour mixing and with these 4 basic colours, you can reproduce almost any colour.

RGB: Red, Green and Blue

Scanners, monitors and cameras use RGB as colour space. These RGB colours are converted to CMYK for offset printing, but in some cases, this can lead to unexpected colour differences. In case of inkjet printing or laser printing, RGB is the most suitable colour space.

The colours of your screen and/or printer

Drukkerij SK sends print proofs as a Pdf file. The display of the colours used herein depends on the settings of your screen and/or colour printer. These colours are therefore not always representative of the final colour.

Other tips

  • Compress your files with zip if you submit via the Internet (e-mail)! This increases the transfer speed and therefore your computer is free for other data traffic;
  • When sending jpg photos via the mail, you can choose to make them smaller. Do not choose this option, but send the photos in the original resolution/size;
  • For new print jobs, please send us a print or the previous print for checking the colours and any paper operations;
  • Some programs offer the possibility to convert letters to contours. If you want to be sure that there is no text reflow, this is a good option;
  • If files are not ready for print, we will search for the right solution in consultation with you. If we have to carry out corrections and/or adjustments, you will receive a quotation in advance.

You did not find the information you were looking for?

If you have any questions about submitting files, please fill in our contact form and we will reply within 24 hours.


Zekkenstraat 36
3151 XP  Hoek van Holland

Telephone: +316-20874415

Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam 72865407
VAT no. NL859265936B01

Opening hours:
From Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.